Toiletries - Cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos, permanent and semi-permanent hair dyes, soaps, creams, lotions, ointments, other skin care products.
Medical items - Cough syrup, lozenges, topical anesthetics, antibiotic creams, topical fungicides, eye drops, ear drops, nose drops, paste bandages, other medicated creams and ointments, dermatological creams.
Rubber products - Shoes, gloves, elastic, tires, handles, hosesFood products - Flavorings, candies, chewing gum.
Metals - Metal-plated products, costume jewelry.
Building/industrial supplies - Cement, industrial chemicals, glues, adhesives, sealants, paint, industrial anticorrosive agents.
Miscellaneous - Fragrances, leather goods, pine oil cleaners, pesticides, veterinary products, furniture.
Appropriate diagnosis and management of persistent eczematous conditions such as contact dermatitis are common challenges for the dermatologist. The causes of contact dermatitis, which can be either allergic or irritant in nature, are also diverse.