Looking so youthful has never been this easy.

Arizona's Dermatology and Cosmetic Center

At Grand Canyon Dermatology in Mesa, we provide leading-edge dermatology and comprehensive cosmetic services that help you look and feel your best. We emphasize excellent skin care and promise to treat you with personalized, professional attention that delivers the results you desire.

Your skin often reflects your overall health and well-being.

That is why it is important to entrust your skin with dermatologists, who are not only professionals in their field, but who also provide advanced dermatological care and cosmetic services.

Diagnosis & Treatment of Skin Conditions

Skin problems occur at every age. We diagnose and care for a variety of conditions that can affect your skin.

Common Skin Conditions Grand Canyon Dermatology Specializes in

In most cases, you can receive treatment for these conditions right at our center. Often we will give you instructions for follow-up care at home.

There are a wide variety of acne treatments now available. Grand Canyon Dermatology provides a solution for every individual. There is no reason why anyone has to go through life with blemishes, scars or low self-esteem due to acne.
Moles & Birthmarks
There are different ways moles & birthmarks can be removed, depending upon the type, size, location and other factors. Laser treatment or minor surgery may be required for complete removal.
Warts are effectively removed by injecting chemicals to stimulate the immune system, or by freezing/burning them off. Most warts require repeated wart removal treatment over a period of time for permanent removal regardless of the method being used.
Depending on your type of hair loss, several treatments are available. Recognizing and treating an infection may help stop the hair loss. Correcting a hormone imbalance may prevent further hair loss. We are also now offering Combline. To learn more about this service visit our partners at Hairapy Growth..
Aging Skin
Grand Canyon Dermatology can reduce visible signs of aging. Injectable fillers and botulinum toxin are suitable for people with busy lifestyles who do not want the inconvenience of a prolonged recovery period.
A common approach to treating Psoriasis is to start with the mildest treatments - topical creams and ultraviolet light therapy (phototherapy).
Skin Allergies & Eczema
Medical research continues to show that the most effective treatment plan for skin allergies and eczema - regardless of type - involves using a combination of therapies to treat the skin and making lifestyle changes to control flare-ups and reactions.
Skin Cancer
Most skin cancer treatments require only a local anesthetic and can be done in an outpatient setting. Sometimes no treatment is necessary beyond an initial biopsy that removes the entire growth.

Located in Mesa, Arizona

Want to learn more? Contact us below.

What can I do to control my dry skin?
Dry itchy irritated skin is often synonymous with the onset of autumn. Heaters go on, our baths become warmer, fireplaces and wood stoves get lit, and the air is much drier.

Dry skin is quite prevalent, especially in older people. There are precautions we can take to alleviate this problem.

First, the use of harsh cleansers should be discontinued. We often recommend a mild, oiled soap for our patients called Oilatum.

Taking long, hot baths or showers to ward off the winter chill can aggravate dry skin. Shorter, cooler showers or baths should be replaced during the dry season.Moisturizers should be applied on still damp skin after bathing to "seal" in the moisture. Most patients need only a good, all-purpose, mild moisturizer such as our Hand and Body lotion. Therapeutic moisturizers with glycolic acid added are especially helpful for those with sun-damaged or particularly dry skin.

When the skin is especially itchy, Pro-X lotion is a wonderful combination of both moisturizer and Pramasone, an anti-itch medicine.

When moisturizing, don't forget your nails. Dry brittle, splitting nails are often from dryness of the cuticle area.

Cool air humidifiers can be added in the home and work environment. Humidity in the household should be approximately 30%. Routinely we recommend that patients wear natural fibers such as cotton. When dry skin becomes inflamed, the term eczema or dermatitis is used. Treatment of this usually requires a visit to the doctor and possibly prescription medication.
What is Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD)?
Allergic contact dermatitis is a common inflammatory reaction that occurs when substances to which you are allergic come in contact with your skin. These substances could be an ingredient in your cosmetics or aftershave, jewelry, antibiotic ointment or cream, rubber boots, etc.
What if I Am Allergic to A Test Substance?
Allergic contact dermatitis is a common inflammatory reaction that occurs when substances to which you are allergic come in contact with your skin. These substances could be an ingredient in your cosmetics or aftershave, jewelry, antibiotic ointment or cream, rubber boots, etc.
What Are Some Common Sources of Allergens?
Toiletries - Cosmetics, perfumes, shampoos, permanent and semi-permanent hair dyes, soaps, creams, lotions, ointments, other skin care products.

Medical items - Cough syrup, lozenges, topical anesthetics, antibiotic creams, topical fungicides, eye drops, ear drops, nose drops, paste bandages, other medicated creams and ointments, dermatological creams.

Rubber products - Shoes, gloves, elastic, tires, handles, hosesFood products - Flavorings, candies, chewing gum.

Metals - Metal-plated products, costume jewelry.

Building/industrial supplies - Cement, industrial chemicals, glues, adhesives, sealants, paint, industrial anticorrosive agents.

Miscellaneous - Fragrances, leather goods, pine oil cleaners, pesticides, veterinary products, furniture.

Appropriate diagnosis and management of persistent eczematous conditions such as contact dermatitis are common challenges for the dermatologist. The causes of contact dermatitis, which can be either allergic or irritant in nature, are also diverse.